scalp health > scalp hair loss> dandruff hair loss
Dandruff Hair Loss!
Dandruff hair loss plagues men and women of all nationalities. The dandruff is not what is actually causing the hair loss! It is the inflammation that is causing the hair loss. The dandruff is typically caused by a fungus called malasezzia and that is what is causing the inflammation in the hair follicle. This inflammation is what is causing the hair to become pinched. Eventually it grows thinner and often times it can fall right away.
Dandruff Hair Loss And Zincplex
Even if dandruff is mild the inflammation can be major. This inflammation occurs in the scalp - the hair follicle. This is also the shaft that the hair gets fed from and as well as the area that is sheaths and grows from. Very important! When inflamed it sets off a chain of events that prevents hair from getting the maximum nutrients that it needs!
If You Itch and See Thinning In That Area Then Make Sure To Treat That Area
A recent study found that people that suffered from dandruff of seborrheic dermatitis have low levels of zinc in their scalp skin. This a major find because zinc is nature's natural anti biotic. It fights off fungus and bacteria. These are the same scalp fungus and bacteria that cause problems such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, itching, flaking and much more including scalp acne. This is why Zincplex is so important. It uses a very special form of zinc to get the scalp's defenses back in maximum working order. The result is a visibly healthy scalp. Learn about Zincplex for dandruff and end your hair and scalp woes caused by dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis.
Cut Scalp Inflammation With Zincplex
The herbs and the special form of zinc are amazing for getting inflammation back under control and back down to normal level. This will visibly reduce the itching, flaking and the hair fall caused by the inflammation of dandruff!