Scalp Crust, Crusty Flakes & Scalp Flaking Gone!
Zincplex Shampoo for Crusty Scalp, Scalp Crusts and Itchy Scalp As Seen In These Magazines!
"For years I had major crusty build up on my scalp. I lterally went to hair salon and salon trying to find anything. Finally a stylist said she had the most amazing product for scalp issues and it was yours. OH MY GOSH! What a difference your shampoo and conditioners have made. THANK YOU!" Tina Lynn from Alabama (individual results may vary) |
Scalp Crust or Scalp Crusties with white flakes can be called by several different names including dandruff, dermatitis, seborrhea, scalp fungus. However the main cause is the imbalance in the scalp that allows for excess build up, uncontrolled bacteria and high ph.
In laymen's terms your skin is constantly fighting off bacteria, fungi and yeast on a daily basis. These tend to feed off the oils in the scalp. You must regain balance by purifying the scalp and removing nasty build up that allows for scalp conditions to get out of balance!! Zincplex Shampoo, Conditioner and Scalp lotion use a very special type of zinc to help regain healthy hair & scalp!
Hair Root #1 Hair Root #2
These two pictures show hair roots under a microscope. The picture to the left shows a healthy hair root! There is not bacteria build up. The hair on the right shows serious build up of bacteria (the black on the bottom). This bacteria causes numerous hair and scalp problems including crusty scalp, flakes, serious dandruff, itchy scalp and more! Read below to eliminate this bacteria that occurs in 99% of all people with scalp problems. See more photos here
What Causes Scalp Crust Or Flakes?
In short it is caused by shampoos that are ph'd too high and lack of deep follicle cleansing. The root of the hair must be cleansed to remove any built up bacteria. This bacteria can cause numerous problems including dandruff flakes, crusty build up, large white flakes and even open sores if left untreated. Zincplex is the best solution that you will find for Crusty Scalp Build Up.
What Works on Crusty Scalp - Is There a Treatment? Very Specific Herbs & A Special Form Of Zinc WORKS!
We have tried many different ingredients including silver and oxygen but the only true purifying combination that we have found comes from the most pure of anti bacterial statics called zinc pca along with deep cleansers that open and cleanse the hair follicle. The area must be cleansed first with a special scalp shampoo that includes the ZINCPLEX formulation.
"For years I had major crusty build up on my scalp. I literally went to hair salon and salon trying to find anything. Finally a stylist said she had the most amazing product for scalp issues and it was yours. OH MY GOSH! What a difference your shampoo and conditioners have made. THANK YOU!" Tina Lynn from Alabama (individual results may vary) |
Healthy Hair Must Have A Healthy Scalp & Root To Grow!
Natural Ingredients
Tested For Safety
Works Fast
Trusted Worldwide
Learn About the Amazing ZINCPLEX. Here are the Products
That Everyone Into A Healthy Scalp!
The 1 - 2 Punch To Get Rid of Crusty Scalp Build Up:
For centuries different forms of zinc have been used to treat and purify scalp skin from scalp build, scalp crust, dermatitis, dandruff, eczema and psoriasis and has worked amazingly well. Now the most dominant form of zinc is available and it is called Zinc PCA~! This is an amazing ingredient and when combined with very special herbs the results are amazing for deep cleansing, purifying and renewing the look and feel of your hair & scalp.
Purify Your Scalp To End Problems. A Top Seller for over 10 years!
Please use this checklist to see which products are right for your condition!
Crusty Scalp Kit
$27.95 |
Zinc Pca Shampoo 5-7 days, Zinc Conditioner 3 to 7 time per week, cut out sugar to reduce initial outbreak until the shampoo gets it under control.
If condition is tough or severe then use the Scalp Complexion Cream on the scalp until it subsides along with the shampoo and conditioner |
More Info about a crusty scalp!
1) It is not just product build up. It is an imbalance in the scalp's natural defense system! This must be taken care of or your problem could get worse.
2) It is not uncommon to want to use steroids and cortisones. We suggest that you do not use them long term and not at all unless you feel like you have to! These products, with long term use can actually break down the scalp's defense even more.
3) Head and Shoulders and other similar shampoos are not going after the problem. They are simply making the head and scalp feel better and less itchy. Let us help you with the problem.
Order the Single Products here!
60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee:
We back EmuPlex with an industry leading 100% No Questions and NoRisk Money Back Guarantee that gives you 60 Plus Total days to test Zincplex Products!

Results come quickly but to rebalance the scalp and hair, the full benefits are not felt until after a months use and this is why we're going to give you an incredible 2 plus months or 60 days to try our product.
WE GUARANTEE: If you're not 100% satisfied with the results during this time, simply return any unused product in the original containers and we will refund 100% of your product purchase price, minus shipping and handling.
No questions asked guarantee! It Works - Give It A Shot!