Comparing Dandruff Shampoos & Scalp Care Products
Compare Dandruff Symptom Shampoos and Itchy Scalp Treatments and you will be shocked at the results! If you’re researching healthy scalp products such as medicated shampoos, treatments, conditioners and similar such as Scalpicin or other alcohol based products, it's important you understand how the different products are designed to work so you can trade in short term results for longer lasting results.
There are four different types of healthy scalp treatments based on ingredients.
Here's what you need to know about each:
#1: Zincplex - A New Form of Zinc and Purifying Herbs
Smell - very good - no medicine smell
Natural Based Effective Ingredients = no tars, no selenium sulfide and no chemical anti fungals
Effectiveness - the best - proven ingredients for long term results!
Cost - medium cost level - lower than prescriptions
Longer Term Use - Great for longer term use if you feel you need to. Most don't have to.
Works To Rebalance Scalp - scalp needs lower ph to prevent major issues!
Works To Rebalance Ph - very important for longer term scalp health
Works To Establish Scalp's Defenses - many conditions such as dandruff are fungus based
Works To Establish Scalp's Correct Moisture Content - conditions like eczema must have moisture
Works to Establish Correct Sebum Content (prevents oily hair and scalp) - almost all bad scalp issues including dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, seborrheic eczema, dht hair loss all use excess scalp oils to make the condition worse!. Zincplex is the only shampoo that uses proven ingedients to control the amount of scalp oils! VERY IMPORTANT!
#2 Tar Or Anti Fungal Shampoos
Oh the smell of T Gel or the concern over the actual anti fungal drugs used in Nizoral. There are major concerns with both.
Anti fungals like ketaconazale shampoos can give good short term results but longer term they seem to lose the battle."
It's an anti fungal, available without a prescription, however anti fungals are regulated by the food and drug administration because of harsh side effects
There's also concern that long-term use can cause a the scalp skin to have issues!
And it's important to remember...
These products are ONLY safe when used for a couple of days at a time!
With our ZincplexNo doctor's visits... No pricey, nasty medicated shampoos that have short term results... No risk of chemical overload.
60 Day Money Back Guarantee On All Of Our Scalp Products

A natural and lasting solution is the only real viable alternative for everyday people that are sick of scalp issues and products that simply cover them up.
Zincplex products are designed for long term success also less risky than the medicated shampoos -- there a no known side effects with the natural based ingredients and herbs that are used in our shampoos, conditioners and treatments. Zincplex can also be used for body acne and genital acne or genital pimples to end the very cause!
It's truly the natural, safe, convenient, and affordable way to increase your Scalp Zinc levels.
Still have a few questions?
No problem! Click here now to get detailed answers to more frequently asked questions about Scalp Problems and Care - more importantly what we can do to help you!! You will love Zincplex Brand Healthy Scalp Products! We guarantee it or your money back!